Monday, September 14, 2015

The Bible supports marriage equality

As we can see from Lev 18:22 and 20:13, the bible does NOT prohibit homosexuality. It is concerned with the possibility that the possible product of a male impregnating another male would have to be disowned by one of the two males.  It is also concerned that the result of that disowning would be the end of the family line of one of the two males (which is the "dying, they will die in their blood" coda to Lev 20:13).

We see from Ruth that not only does the bible not prohibit homosexuality among women, it has furnished a paradigm for how a woman can construct a viable contract-for-life with a female partner, while at the same time completing a contract to provide offspring to the family of that partner.

The bible does NOT prohibit homosexuality, and DOES support marriage equality.  It is written very clearly in the text.

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